Friday, 1 June 2007

artistic clampdown

artistic censorship is fashionable in modern india. if you are a budding politician, businessman, if you want free publicity - target an artist. complain about artistic expression and poetic license and if possible register a court case - the indian judiciary is overloaded - they can't handle justice but they will definitely have time for you - they need publicity too - but please don't forget to invite the media guys - they are the guys who'll make you famous.

we indian's love formulas. our very successful home grown movie industry - bollywood (yuck) survives on formulas. the artist terrorizing formula works - so you should try it. maybe you'll get your 15 secs of fame. who cares about creativity and progress? not you, not me - let's be true indians- to hell with the artists - they are parasites anyway.

so what if artists are the lifeblood of innovation and evolution - we are happy the way we are - among the worst poorest most depressing nations in the world. we are proud to be indian. proud to be one of the most corrupt nations in the world. proud to be a nation where people live and die on the streets - so what - as long as i have my japanese/american car - the rest of india can go to hell. i dont care - i am an indian - i think only about myself.

so target an artist today - an easy way to fame. do it NOW!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have not understood fully the topic "A New India".Please explain vividly.